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Huron Perth Public Health offers a variety of resources, supports and services to schools to promote the health and well-being of students and the school community. A comprehensive school health approach involves school boards, administrators, educators and community agencies working together to create an environment that will make a positive impact on student health and learning.

Role of public health in schools

  • Provide health education supports and resources
  • Collaborate with parents, educators and students to build a healthy school community
  • Support the development and implementation of school health policies
  • Partner with healthy school committees to promote student leadership and engagement
  • Provide youth health-related information and services

Our work is guided by the Ontario Public Health Standards and the School Health Guideline.

Health resources for schools

Each school in Huron and Perth counties is unique. The School Health Team will make every effort to address a variety of topics based on school requests. If you are an educator looking for a particular resource for your school or classroom please complete our request form.

Explore the health topics below and discover web-based, community, and curriculum-support resources.

Information for administrators

Head lice are a common nuisance and can spread whenever there is close head-to-head contact, or sharing of infested belongings such as bedding, clothing or headwear. Head lice are not a health problem and don't need to be reported to public health. Coordinated efforts between parents, teachers, schools, and the community can help prevent head lice outbreaks.

Some head lice treatments are free (covered by OHIP+) for anyone aged 24 years or younger who is not covered by a private plan. Talk to a local pharmacist for more information.  

Ophea’s Healthy Schools Certification is based on a 4-Step Healthy Schools Process that supports school communities to take a planned and comprehensive approach to address health topics over the course of a school year. Healthy Schools Certification gives your school the tools to promote and enhance the health and well-being of students, school staff, and the broader school community.



  • Oral health lesson plan and Kit for grades K-2 can be requested through the school health request form.
  • For information about oral health and free dental services, visit our Oral Health page.

Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017

In Ontario, the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017 (SFOA) regulates the sale, supply, display and promotion of tobacco products and vapour products, as well as the smoking of tobacco, the use of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) to vape any substance, and the smoking of cannabis (medical and recreational). It protects people from harmful exposure to second-hand smoke in all enclosed public places and workplaces, limits smoking/vaping in many outdoor public places, and makes it more difficult for young people to purchase tobacco, vapour products, and cannabis. 

Smoking and vaping on school property, including smoking and vaping of cannabis, is prohibited at all times. This includes smoking or vaping on public areas within 20 metres of the school's grounds and while participating in school-related activities (e.g., field trips). It is also illegal to sell or offer to sell tobacco and vapour products in public schools and private schools.

Tobacco Enforcement Officers conduct inspections to assess and address concerns related to SFOA compliance in Huron and Perth counties. School administrators and staff can submit the Smoke-Free Ontario Act School Incident Report if a violation of the SFOA occurs on school property.

For more information on the SFOA, Enforcement and Penalties on school property, please see Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017 How the Act Affects: Schools

For No Smoking and No Vaping signs, email

Disposal of vapes/vapour products

HPPH encourages school boards to securely dispose of all vapour products seized from students on school property in accordance with school board policies and with the direction from local hazardous waste management facilities so that these products are not diverted back to the student population. 

There are many benefits to children learning and playing outdoors, but preventing exposure to harmful UV rays is important. 

SunSense is a national sun safety program developed by the Canadian Cancer Society, with the goal of reducing the number of people diagnosed with skin cancer in Canada. The free program provides tools and resources to support the creation of sun safe environments that protect students and staff from harmful ultraviolet radiation. 

Learn more or register your school for the Sunsense challenge. Registration opens February 1, 2025 and gives your school access to lesson plans, curriculum guide, staff training, posters and postcards, UV bracelets and more.

  • Eye See…Eye Learn® program from the Ontario Association of Optometrists provides one free pair of eye glasses, if needed, for children in junior or senior kindergarten.
  • OHIP covers the cost of annual eye exams for children and youth aged 19 and younger.

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