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Healthy Babies Healthy Children

Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC) is a free, voluntary program for expectant parents and families with children from birth up to transition to school. 

About the program 

The HBHC program involves providing information and support while you are pregnant, after your baby is born, and as your child grows.  

  • Having a healthy pregnancy and birth 
  • How to prepare for your new baby 
  • Planning to feed your baby 

  • Support with infant feeding 
  • Caring for and connecting with your baby 

  • How your baby grows 
  • Helping your child grow and develop 
  • Food and healthy eating 
  • Developmental checklists 

  • Safe sleep 
  • Safe feeding 
  • Safe play 
  • Home safety 

  • Parenting support 
  • Taking care of yourself and your family 

  • Speech, language, social emotional skills 
  • Toileting 

  • Access to breastfeeding clinics and services 
  • Parenting programs 
  • Connecting with your community 

We are here for you, every step of the way! 

Following the birth of a baby, you may receive a phone call from a public health nurse to ensure you have the information and support you need. The public health nurse may also offer a home visit with the option of ongoing home visiting.  


The program is offered to pregnant people and their families while they are pregnant, after the birth of a child, and until the child starts school. Depending on your eligibility, a public health nurse can support you and your family through home visiting. If you need extra parental support and encouragement or your child has health or developmental concerns, the HBHC program may be suitable for you and your family.  

The home visiting program team 

HBHC offers blended home visits to eligible families with the support of a public health nurse and a parent resource visitor.  

A public health nurse can visit your home to help you while you are expecting or after the birth of your child to: 

  • understand your pregnancy and how to take care of yourself 
  • prepare for your new baby and what to expect when you give birth 
  • how to feed your baby 
  • address any health concerns that you have about yourself or your baby 
  • answer questions about comforting and parenting your baby 
  • help you adjust to your new role as a parent 

Parent resource visitors have received training to become skilled peer mentors. It is through mentoring at regular home visits that they help parents discover their strengths and reach their goals to be the best parent for their child. By reviewing goals identified in the family's service plan, a parent resource visitor will:  

  • encourage and support you during your pregnancy and after the baby is born 
  • role model positive parenting and attachment 
  • review home safety and developmental checklists 
  • connect you to services in your community 

Contact us if you would like to learn more about the services offered through Healthy Babies Healthy Children. You can also give your family doctor, nurse practitioner, midwife, family member, or friend permission to call on your behalf.  


Call 1-888-221-2133 ext 3575 

Submit a referral 

HBHC referrals can be made as a self-referral or a professional referral from a healthcare or service provider.  A public health nurse will contact you after receiving the referral form.  
Complete an online referral form 

Alternatively, healthcare or service providers may complete this printable referral form [PDF] and fax it to HPPH at 519-271-8243 or toll-free at 1-855-271-8243. 

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