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Food Premises Operators

As the operator of a restaurant or other food premises, you should be familiar with all food premises requirements found under Ontario Regulation (O. Reg.) 493/17: Food Premises. This regulation sets out the requirements that food premises owners and operators must follow, and covers safe food handling, cleaning and sanitizing, general operations, and maintenance.

HPPH conducts food premises inspections to make sure that you are meeting the minimum food safety requirements. The frequency of inspections depends on the risk rating given by a food inspector during a previous visit:

  • High-risk premises will receive inspections no less than once every 4 months
  • Moderate-risk premises will receive inspections no less than once every 6 months
  • Low-risk premises will receive inspections no less than once a year

What to expect during a food inspection

Inspections are generally surprise visits. During an inspection, we look at:

  • Types of food prepared and sold
  • How food is prepared
  • Equipment used
  • Food safety management programs in place
  • Food safety knowledge of staff
  • Type of patrons (hospital, restaurant, nursing home, etc.)
  • Past and current compliance records

Inspection types

Our inspectors conduct a variety of different food inspections, including:

  • Routine compliance inspections
  • Follow-up inspections
  • Complaint inspections
  • Outbreak investigations

Pest Control Monitoring

Food premises operators are required to maintain records of all pest control measures that are undertaken within their food premises. If a licenced pest control company is not used, the food premises must maintain their own records, (at least monthly or more often if pest activity is noted). Use the Pest Control Monitoring Record template to assist with meeting this regulatory requirement. 

If you are a new food premises operator, or if you are moving your food premises, you are required to notify Huron Perth Public Health (HPPH).

Complete the Intent to Operate a Food Premises form and submit it to HPPH along with two sets of plans/drawings-to-scale of your new food premises. The Public Health Inspector may require a written proposal that includes details of your menu, suppliers, kitchen processes and cleaning/sanitizing of:

  • surfaces and equipment,
  • food contact surfaces, and
  • dishes.

If you are an owner/operator that would like to operate your food premises (e.g., food truck) temporarily in Huron or Perth counties but are not part of a special event, you are required to provide Huron Perth Public Health (HPPH) with your intent to operate.

Complete the Intent to Operate Temporary Food Premise form and submit it to HPPH a minimum of 14 days prior to operation. Please be prepared to provide us a copy of your most recent inspection report issued from an Ontario Public Health Unit. You may also call 1-888-221-2133 ext. 3670 or contact us by email with your intent to operate.

At least one certified food handler most be present during all hours of operation at a food premises. Take a safe food handling course and get certified today.

Restaurant and bar owners or employers are also required to ensure that the smoking and vaping laws outlined in the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017 are followed.

More information can be found in the Ministry of Health fact sheet, How the Act Affects: Restaurants and Bars Including Patios [PDF].

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