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Immunization Records and Requirements

Immunization is an effective way of preventing a variety of illnesses. It protects staff and children in your care and reduces the number of infectious disease outbreaks in childcare settings.

Under Ontario Regulation (O. Reg.) 137/15: General of the Child Care and Early Years Act, children attending licensed daycare are required to have specific immunizations. These immunizations include:

  • diphtheria
  • haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)
  • measles
  • meningococcal disease
  • mumps
  • pertussis (whooping cough)
  • pneumococcal disease
  • polio
  • rubella
  • tetanus
  • varicella (chickenpox)

Parents need to:

  • Keep their child’s immunizations up to date.
  • Provide the childcare centre with a copy of their child’s immunization record BEFORE the child attends the centre.
  • Keep a record of their child’s immunizations and notify the Health Unit each time their child receives an

If parents/legal guardians decide they do not want their child to receive one or more of the publicly-funded vaccines, they must complete a Statement of Conscience or Religious Belief, Child Care and Early Years Act and the Exemption request form below and provide a copy of both to the childcare centre.

Childcare immunization exemption letter and form

Childcare centres must collect a complete immunization history of each child, staff member and volunteer prior to admission or hire. You also need to: 

  • Ensure that copies of staff and volunteer immunization records are available to Huron Perth Public Health (HPPH) when requested 
  • Forward all child immunization updates received to Huron Perth Public Health

If you work or volunteer in a licensed childcare centre, you are required to have the following vaccines: 

Required vaccines
Vaccine required Documentation
Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR)

One dose of MMR, or

History/evidence of immunity to measles, mumps and rubella

Varicella (chickenpox)

Fulfill one of these three criteria:

  • history of chickenpox or shingles after one year of age (self-reported)
  • two doses of Varicella vaccine
  • proof of immunity (blood test)
Tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis (Tdap) One dose of Tdap in adulthood, then one Td booster every 10 years

You will need to provide your immunization information to the childcare centre when you are first hired. You are responsible for keeping immunization records up-to-date and reporting them to your employer. 

The following vaccines are strongly recommended.

Recommended vaccines
Vaccine recommended Schedule
COVID-19 Doses as recommended by current Ministry of Health COVID-19 Guidance.
Influenza Annual influenza vaccination for those providing regular childcare to children less than 60 months of age as per the National Advisory Committee on Immunization.
Hepatitis B For those who may be exposed to blood or blood products or who may be at increased risk of sharps injury, bites or penetrating injuries.
Tuberculosis skin test For staff and volunteers unless they have a record of significant TB skin test reaction.


Full details also available in Immunization for Licensed Childcare Centres.

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