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Human Development and Sexual Health

Puberty, hygiene and body image are normal parts of being human and topics we need to discuss to make students comfortable with changes happening to their bodies. When teaching students about sexuality and sexual relationships, it is important to maintain a positive and respectful approach, with the lens of the possibility of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences, free of coercion, discrimination and violence. Sexual health-related issues are wide-ranging, and include sexual orientation and gender identity, sexual expression, and relationships.

According to the World Health Organization, the ability to achieve sexual health and well-being depends on:

  • Access to comprehensive, high-quality information about sex and sexuality
  • Knowledge about the risks one may face and their vulnerability to adverse consequences of unprotected sexual activity
  • Ability to access sexual health care
  • Living in an environment that affirms and promotes sexual health 

There are many resources available to help ease the conversation. Please see below. If you are looking for tips on how to address certain issues or topics, or would like to request a presentation or kit, please complete the school health request form.

  • Always Changing and Growing Up resources are free, downloadable and support teaching adolescent growth and development, personal hygiene, and healthy, active living. From Physical and Health Education Canada (PHE Canada) and Ophea (Ontario Physical and Health Education Association).
  • Amaze provides educators with toolkits, lesson plans and resources to help communicate effectively and honestly about sex and sexuality with children and adolescents (American)
  • Beyond the Basics is a resource for educators on sexuality and sexual health. It offers tools to teach young people from a sex positive, human rights perspective. Topics range from anatomy, to consent, and health relationships. (NOTE: requires a one time fee for purchase.)
  • Every Body Curious is a fun web series aimed at youth ages 9 to 12 (and their parents) that explores the birds and the bees through leading sex educators answering real questions from real kids. Includes open and honest conversations about sexuality, bodies, and healthy relationships.
  • Human Development and Sexual Health Teaching Resources (grades 4-12) from Middlesex London Health Unit provide educators with strategies to promote healthy growth and development that can lead to reducing risky sexual behaviour among children and youth. 
  • Human Development and Sexual Health Teaching Tools (elementary and secondary) from Niagara Region Public Health are designed to support teachers in creating comprehensive lesson plans to cover health-related content in the classroom.
  • MediaSmarts provides lessons and resources for teachers. Search body image for activities on teaching about body image and advertising messages using videogames and media.
  • Puberty is a student-friendly resource from Sex & U that provides a summary of puberty changes to the male and female bodies.
  • Sex & U and Sexual Health Ontario both provide information and advice on a variety of human development and sexual health topics. These sites could be used in a question, search and answer exercise.
  • Sexuality and Developmental Disability: A Guide for Parents from the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services provides information on the facts about sexuality and developmental disability, the parent’s role, suggestions for what parents can do and tips and strategies for talking comfortably with your child about sexuality. 
  • Teaching Sexual is an innovative website developed by Alberta educators and health professionals. It offers up-to-date, evidence-based information and strategies for teachers and educators teaching the Alberta Education Human Sexuality curriculum and for parents of children from birth to 18 years of age.

The Puberty kit is a grab and go curriculum kit suitable for grades 4-6. Find interactive activities and handouts on hygiene and puberty changes. 

The following classroom presentations are provided by Public Health Nurses and are available for grades 7-12 upon request to support and enhance current curriculum. 

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) 

This 60-minute presentation provides an overview of common sexually transmitted and blood borne infections (STBBIs), symptoms, prevention, and local testing and treatment options. It will also include information on services offered at HPPH sexual health clinics, including harm reduction supplies and naloxone kits.  

Birth Control  

This 60-minute presentation includes information on types of contraception options, benefits and limitations of each, and how to access contraceptives locally. It will also include information on services offered at HPPH sexual health clinics, including harm reduction supplies and naloxone kits.    


This 30–60-minute presentation is intended to address common sexual health misconceptions and educate students about sexual health. Students will have an opportunity to ask sexual health-related questions anonymously in advance of, and in-person during the presentation. This presentation will also include answers to some frequently asked questions. Information on services offered at HPPH sexual health clinics, including harm reduction supplies and naloxone kits will also be shared. 

In addition, Huron Perth Public Health offers weekly sexual health clinics that provide STI testing and other services.

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