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Heat Warning Issued for Huron Perth

Huron Perth, ON – Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) has issued a heat warning for Huron Perth.

A hot and humid airmass is expected through Wednesday. As the week progresses, daytime highs are expected to be 30 to 34 degrees Celsius, with the likely hottest day on Tuesday, Sept. 5. Humidex values and daytime highs will be very atypical of early September.

The arrival of a cold front will bring an end to the heat Thursday, Sept. 7.

Heat warnings are issued when high temperature or humidity conditions reach criteria established by ECCC and are expected to pose an elevated risk of heat-related illnesses, such as heat stroke or heat exhaustion.

While extreme heat can put everyone at risk from heat illnesses, health risks are greatest for:

  • older adults, infants and young children;
  • people with chronic illnesses, such as breathing difficulties, heart conditions, or psychiatric illnesses;
  • people who work and/or exercise in the heat;
  • people experiencing homelessness or are underhoused without access to air conditioning.

Heat-related illnesses are preventable. Huron Perth Public Health recommends you take measures to protect yourself and others from over-exposure to extreme heat:

  • Drink plenty of cool liquids, especially water, before you feel thirsty to decrease your risk of dehydration. You may be dehydrated before you start feeling thirsty.
  • Reschedule or plan outdoor or strenuous activities during cooler parts of the day.
  • Wear loose-fitting, light-coloured clothing made of breathable fabric.
  • Where possible, avoid sun exposure. Shade yourself by wearing a wide-brimmed, breathable hat or using an umbrella.
  • Contact your municipality or call 211 for hours and locations of any nearby cooling centres where you can take a break from the heat.
  • In your home, prepare meals that don’t need to be cooked in your oven and closing curtains or blinds during the day to keep the sun out.
  • Never leave people or pets inside a parked vehicle or in direct sunlight and check on neighbours, family and friends who may be at a greater risk of heat related illnesses.

Heat-related illnesses include heat stroke, heat exhaustion, heat fainting, heat edema (swelling of hands, feet and ankles), heat rash and heat cramps (muscle cramps). These illnesses can affect a person quickly.

Symptoms of heat illness include:

  • Headache
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Dizziness or fainting
  • Rapid breathing and heartbeat
  • Extreme thirst
  • Decreased urination with unusually dark yellow urine
  • Changes in behavior in children (e.g., sleepiness)

If you experience any of these systems, immediately move to a cool place and drink liquids. Water is best.

Heat stroke is a medical emergency.  Symptoms of heat stroke include high body temperature, confusion, being unconscious or stopping sweating.  Call 911 or your local emergency number immediately if you are caring for someone with symptoms of heat stroke. While waiting for help, cool the person right away by:

  • Moving them to a cool place, if you can
  • Applying cold water to large areas of the skin or clothing
  • Fanning the person as much as possible.

Pollution levels tend to be higher on hot days; the Air Quality Health Index can be used to determine the air quality in your neighbourhood.  Reduce activities outdoors or find a cooler outdoor location such as a tree-shaded area away from high traffic to avoid high levels of air pollution.  You may also choose to move indoors to an air-conditioned space.

Follow Environment Canada’s weather forecasts at so you can plan to stay safe in hot and humid weather. You can also receive weather alerts from “EC Alert me” by signing up at

Contact Us

Huron Perth Public Health

Huron Office
77722B London Road, RR #5, Clinton, ON
N0M 1L0

Perth Office
653 West Gore St., Stratford ON N5A 1L4
Toll-free 1-888-221-2133

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